Friday, November 21, 2014


Most people would tell you I am very organized, scheduled, and follow the rules. Typically I am

I strongly lack self-control in two areas of my life: eating and shopping. In these areas there are no rules for me. This becomes a problem for both my health and my wallet.

If I am craving something, I eat it. 
If I need want something, I buy it. 

I am currently sitting at Starbucks thinking about how I want to leave and pick up Chipotle before I babysit. No. Maybe yes. I will keep you posted. 

I am planning on posting soon about my health-related new years resolutions, but today I will give you a glimpse into how I am going to combat my bad habits. I think about ways to better my health every day, as I am sure many of you do. I wake up in the morning and think to myself I am not going to eat sugar today, I am going to check my blood sugar at least three times, I will drink plenty of water, etc. AND THEN I WAKE UP AND NONE OF THAT HAPPENS. 

I am motivated by incentives, so I am going to incentivize myself to eat healthy. I mentioned in an earlier post that I want to get back on Katie Couric's Fed Up Challenge. I fell off this band wagon, and I fell off hard. I also have a few big ticket purchases that I need to make. For every 10 days I can go without eating sugar, I will allow myself to purchase one item. 

When I get going on a diet and am truly committed, I find that it is hard for me to give in to one little temptation. I am trying to build back that endurance as holiday season approaches. My mom makes BOMB sugar cookies/cinnamon rolls, and it will take every thing I have to fight eating those at Christmas. I will start accepting prayers now. Thanks. 

Me failing at everything. 
What are some ways you keep yourself from falling into holiday temptations? 


The DiaBlogger 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

T1 Mice with a CURE

I have been doing some more digging on this supposed breakthrough in T1 research. I did not realize that this mouse in Doug Melton's lab was cured by a combination of two drugs that are already on the market. This is pretty unbelievable! There has not been much posted since the news broke in early October, but people are still amped about it. Read more here.

Scientists have been flushing mice with beta cells and they have been responding. Apparently the mice in Melton's lab have been producing insulin on their own for months--something I haven't been able to do in years. Even if this is not the cure, it is a huge step. It is exciting to know that diabetes is still something that many people care about. Sometimes I feel like it gets lost in the mix with other serious illnesses. Melton is a father to a T1 Diabetic and has dedicated his life to finding a cure for me his son.

"You never know for sure that something like this is going to work until you've tested it numerous ways. We've given these cells three separate challenges with glucose in mice and they've responded appropriately; that was really exciting," said Melton 

As you all know, I usually stand on the negative side of diabetes research. However, this looks more promising than most! I think the trick will be making sure that the autoimmune disease stays turned off in patients. There has been some comments regarding how this could be more difficult to do with humans than with mice. I asked my endocrinologist what her feelings were at my appointment this week. She said that her biggest concern is that the encapsulated cells will burst under the pressure of the autoimmune fighting cells.

Me in Florence, Italy

Regardless, I will cheers to that! 

The DiaBlogger