Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blindsided by the Future

So you may know that Google has been woking on many new technologies that may or may not make it to the market place. One of their newest projects to come out is Google Glass--which in my opinion is pretty cool. 

Apparently their newest research has led them to create something similar to Google Glass, but in a contact lens. The technology would operate based on using glucose from your eyeball. This is very exciting in the T1 world because it might just mean no more finger pricks…check out the article here!! 


The DiaBlogger 

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Hi Everyone!

Sorry I have been MIA. My New Years resolution is to keep up in the blogosphere and not fall behind as much as I did in 2013---I fell about 6 months behind. oops. In my defense, I went to South America for a few weeks so cut my some slack!

I have made A LOT of New Years resolutions actually….so I feel like I need to narrow them down. Each year, I try to dedicate at least ONE resolution to my health. Because T1 is treatable and not curable (yet)…I think that there is always room for improvement with my diet and exercise regimen. I have learned that when I try to make a whole bunch of changes to my regimen, I just fail miserably. However, when I focus on one thing it is easier to make a habit out of it.

In 2013, I focused on cutting red meat out of my diet. In february, I will have successfully not had one meat in one year! I am a little reluctant to cut out all meat just because it is pure protein…and we all know that pure protein= no insulin.

Lately, I have been researching a lot about dairy products. I am curious as to what you guys think about this. Since cheese is also a protein that does not require insulin, I do not want to cut that out completely either. There has been a huge uprising against dairy products in the past year and I want to look more into it. If you are interested, check out this article. I think it shows great perspective to both sides of the argument.

The DiaBlogger