Saturday, July 6, 2013

T1 Support

Diabetes is a complicated disease that makes me personally feel like it is me vs. the world. It is a diagnosis that is isolating and depressing. Many patients that are diagnosed feel the heavy weight of the disease just due to the name. Our society paints a very negative picture around the disease, and sometimes just using it as a word to describe me makes me unbearably sad. It is difficult for me to be surrounded everyday by people who do not comprehend my constant struggle. Here is an article that discusses the severe risks that diabetics face when they do not seek out support.

I love my friends and family more than anything, but sometimes they are no the support system I need when it comes to my health. When I was first diagnosed, it was difficult for me to take my health seriously because nobody around me did. Sometimes I felt like people either underestimated or exaggerated my disease...there was nothing in between.

My biggest pet peeve is when people without diabetes try to correct something that is related to my health or act like they know how my diagnosis makes me feel. I do not always make the best choices for my health, but if I want some chocolate every once in awhile, I am NOT about to let my burdensome disease stop me.

Joining Glu was a turning point in my life with Diabetes. Glu and other online communities are so important for people who are looking for support and information. Being connected online has taught me so much about my health, and little tips and tricks that I never learned at my doctor's office.

I love communicating with other T1's online, because I feel like we are equal.

Another great option for people who want face-to-face support is finding a therapist or a local community. Many college campuses have College Diabetes Network (CDN) Chapters. This is a great way to connect with other people in your community that you can reach out to. Also, look at your community centers. This is an easy place to find groups that use the community centers for a meeting place. If you are striking out, always ask your doctor or nutritionist--they should be in the know, if not, we are in trouble!!

If you find yourself down in the dumps about your diagnosis, always remember this:

"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back."

The DiaBlogger

Monday, June 3, 2013

Snacky Snax

One of the hardest things for me to face with diabetes is snacking. Isn't that something we should all stop doing?

Easy things to snack on for me have been crackers, turkey, cheese sticks, an apple, or a clementine. However, recently with my new gluten-intolerance and the summer heat, I have been looking for gluten free snacks that are low-carb and will not perish in the summer heat.

Trader Joe's has been a life saver for me. It is hard for me to find snacks that fit my requirements and are not overly expensive. Here are some of my favorites that can all be found at your local Trader Joe's:

Un-Sweetened Dried Fruit: 

Dried fruit is a great way to get in your nutrients without worrying about eating them in a timely matter. My favorite dried fruits are apricots, prunes, and cranberries. Dates apricots and prunes are great choices for a diabetic in particluar because they are high in fiber. Unfortunately, they can also be high in carbs but the fiber helps maintain and stabalize your blood sugar. These are great for road trips or to throw in a backpack if you are going to be out for a day. My other favorites are cranberries and cherries. These have more of a sweet and tart taste. They taste much more like a desert than a healthy snack.


I have had a lot of trouble finding granola bars that are gluten-free, low-carb, low-sugar, and high in fiber. I think LARABAR takes the win. The bars have no sugar added, are high in fiber, and only use minimal ingredients of nuts, fruits, and spices. One of my favorites is Cashew Cookie. This bar only contains cashews and dates. It has 23g of carbs, 6g of protein, and 3g of fiber.

Skinny Pop

Skinny Pop or any air-popped popcorn is a perfect snack that does not go stale and will stay fresh even in hot weather. I like Skinny Pop because it does not have any added salts or butter. It is simply air popped. If you buy other sir-popped popcorn, make sure that you check the ingredients listed, and also the amount of sodium listed on the package.

That's It Bar

This bar is one of my favorites. There are a variety of different flavors, but essentially this bar is an apple and another fruit in a bar. The listed ingredients on the package of this bar is: Apple, Cherries. That's it! This is another great solution to taking fruit on-the-go with you. The bars do not perish easily and are nicer than dried fruit because you do not have to worry about resealing.

Nut Based Trail Mix:

Trail mix is a hard one to find. Unfortunately, any trail mixes are high in carbohydrates and in gluten. However, at Trader Joe's I have been able to find many assorted nut and fruit based trail mixes. Stay away from mixes that include pretzels, chocolate, or mini-breadsticks.

Do any of you have other favorite snacks that easy to take on-the-go??
I could use some other recommendations!

Stay cool, we are definitely still chillin' out here in Chicago...don't worry!!

The DiaBlogger

Sunday, May 5, 2013


HOW TO: pump iron while pumping insulin.

Putting on a swimsuit is just not in my cards anytime soon. Now that nice weather is here to stay, I need to put my winter body away. However, this is much easier said than done when you throw diabetes into the mix. I have really been struggling with keeping weight off and also following my daily medical routine. I recently took up running, which I have really enjoyed, but have found that running has repetitively given me high blood sugars. This is extremely frustrating.

With summer approaching I need to find recreational activities that keep my blood sugar consistent. Is this possible?

Here is an interesting web page I found with tips on exercising with T1. 

For the most part, I think that the goodness of staying active and participating in physical activities outweighs the bad of a slight higher or lower blood sugar. It is so important to stay active with diabetes, because we hold on to fat so easily due to our insulin intake.

The trickiest part of dealing with my health during the summer is not wanting to lug all of my medicine and medical supplies around. I feel like I can never go anywhere without a giant bags to cover all of my “what-if” situations. BUT NEVER GO WITHOUT. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Plus, with my luck if I ever tried to go without….that would be the time that I find myself in a compromising situation. AND ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear a medical ID. 

Stay active and enjoy the fresh air and flowers!!!!

The DiaBlogger 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Educating Co-Workers

I have always worked in retail, so I have never really been in a work environment that was too strenuous for my health to handle. My managers all know that if I work in the evening I have to take a quick break to shoot up some Lantus and check my BG periodically throughout my work shift.

My biggest concern with Diabetes in a workplace setting is not putting myself in a position where I feel unsafe but actually educating my co-workers on diabetes.

I think it is safe to say that we have all become comfortable with diabetes, we live with it. The problem is that  I think sometimes it is easy to forget to mention crucial things when explaining how to treat diabetes to others. We deal with this stuff ALL the time.

[True story, I had a dream the other night that I was out to dinner and before my meal I counted my my dream. Needless to say, I was pretty impressed when I woke up. ]

So who do you educate, when do you tell them, and what do you say?

In my opinion, the most important people to educate are your superior, and the people that you are surrounded by the most. These will be the people who will notice a change in behavior or attitude that can be attributed a low blood sugar.

Depending on the job, I don't necessarily think that your health status needs to be brought up in an interview. However, after landing the job it is important to make your close co-workers aware. I have found that it is the easiest to bring up my struggles with T1 diabetes when I am out to lunch with somebody. It easily explains why I have made certain food choices or why I mysteriously leave for the restroom with a sack full of needles before each of my meals.

When you do talk to your co-workers, they may be overwhelmed if you over-educate them. You want to focus on telling them what a low blood sugar is and what they can do to help you.

Something I always share when educating people on my health is the way I act during a low blood sugar. I am usually stubborn and am adamant that I do not have a low blood sugar.

"I don't need to check my blood sugar, I'm fine"

That is probable when I do need to check my blood sugar. Make the people around of aware of this. I think that people feel like you know what you are talking about and do not want to bother you about your health. However, in situations like blood sugars it is important for them to step in.

The DiaBlogger

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gluttony for Gluten

My favorite part of being diagnosed with T1 was sitting with my nutritionist and listening to the long list of fabulous diseases and disorders that I now have a 26% higher, 13% higher, 67% higher or 42% higher chance of getting. 

"Congratulations. You just got T1 Diabetes. Regardless if you take care of your health or not, here is a long list of problems you will probably come in contact with in your far, or not so very far, future."

Am I the only one who feels this way???

The only disorder that struck my attention the most from this looong list was Celiac Disease.  I think it caught my eye simply because gluten-free diseases have been so trendy recently. I am sure you are all aware...but just in case....Celiac Disease is a condition in which you must go on a strict gluten-free diet. 

FUN FACT: 3-8 % of people with type 1 diabetes will have biopsy-confirmed celiac disease. 

So...recently (over the past month or so) I have been experiencing some severe stomach pain after eating. I tried to track exactly what food I was eating that was causing the pain. Unfortunately, many of the meals I had pain after had a combination of dairy and gluten. When I ate dairy or gluten separately, I would have absolutely no stomach pain at all. This led my doctor to believe that my stomach pain was IBS related because it was also occurring during more stressful times for me. 

To make a long story shorter than I am making it....This past week, my stomach pain has evolved into some digestion issues. I will elaborate this way: when I eat gluten, I have about 5 minutes to get to the nearest bathroom. 

Celiac disease associated with diabetes is usually silent, showing no symptoms, and may only be found upon screening. Signs and symptoms, such as abdominal pain, gas, bloating, malabsorption, weight loss, and abnormal liver function tests may also be seen and easily confused with poor glucose control of type 1 diabetes or gastroparesis - when the muscles in the wall of the stomach do not function normally.

So tonight, when I was low blood sugar I opted for eating a piece of toast with crunchy peanut butter. YUM. I was getting ready to leave my apartment to get on a 10 hour long Megabus ride home for the weekend. So I figured the toast would raise my blood sugar and the protein in the peanut butter would keep my blood sugar stable. 



 I am not diagnosed with Celiac or gluten intolerance, but my body is speaking LOUDLY, clearly and very brownly [sorry if that was too much information]. 

Well, I am leaving you all there. Please, PLEASE let me know of your experiences with T1 & Celiac. I am new to the business. And wish me luck on my bus ride with my digestive issues..... only 8 more hors to go, right?

The DiaBlogger

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to make your GPA a 7.0

As we all know, each time we strut into our endocrinologist's office we aim to walk out with a good report. At least a 7.0, correct?

When first diagnosed, my AIC was always around a 6.3, which my doctors were extremely impressed with. However about a year ago, I was sitting at about an 8.6 which was not favorable.

A few weeks ago, I tested at a 6.4 I think. My doctors were excited until they saw all of my consistently low blood sugars. Clearly my AIC was not reflective of good control but rather many miscalculations.

My goal for the spring is to incorporate new habits into my everyday life that will help me consistently stay in the 70-40 BG range.

1. Always have access to glucose tablets.
-A glucose tablet has a set amount of carbs in it that you can control. It is better than just popping in a piece of candy because it will always have the same amount of carbs. This allows you to have better control. Instead of reaching for the first piece of food you see when you have a low blood sugar, try to reach for glucose tablets that you have made easily available.

2. Count and eliminate carbs.
-Counting carbs is always important. No doctor would recommend completely eliminating carbs from a diet because carbohydrates are essential to the body. However, eliminating heavy carbs can alleviate spikes in blood sugars. Consuming calories through other sources such as whole fruits and vegetables can help maintain a constant blood sugar level.

3. Eat at regularly scheduled times.
-You should schedule your meals at about the same time each day. This is extremely difficult for me to do. Skipping a meal can lead to high spikes in blood sugars. Another reason why breakfast is SO SO important.

4. Limit snacking.
-Snacking is the biggest trouble with diabetes. It is a terrible habit of mine that is taking a long while to kill off. Snacking is problematic because it occurs in between meals. When you bolus, insulin takes about four complete hours to be fully activated. After two hours, your insulin is about 50% activated, or has reached about 50% of its potential. If you take insulin for a snack two hours after a meal and notice your blood sugar is high, you may choose to add extra insulin for a correction. This could cause you do go low later during the day because the other 50% of your insulin from your earlier meal has still not hit you yet.

There is many other things I could add into my diabetic life, but I think this is a good start to achieving great health.

What kinds of things do you do to maintain appropriate blood sugars?

I will keep you posted on my success,
The DiaBlogger

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


After moving to Chicago, I was forced to find all new doctors. Starting with an Endocrinologist. Lucky for me, I found a doctor I love at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in downtown Chicago.

I was able to have my first appointment in February, but I left wary because she explained to me that in order to be a part of her practice it was mandatory that I submit my body for a full week of observation. Meaning, I had to come in and get a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) placed under my skin and wear it for a week.

Anyone who knows me well or has read about my feelings about wearing diabetic devices knows how uncomfortable this makes me feel. Yet, here I am in the endocrinology clinic now getting ready to receive my CGM.

From my research, I don't think that wearing it for a week will be that big of a deal. I am on spring break this week, so a lot of my friends are not at school. That eliminates my fear and insecurity of having to respond to "What is that?!"

However, my biggest concern is that I will be running a 10K on Sunday and I don't want it to like....fall out it something. Can that happen? I'm so nervous!

I would love to get feedback from anyone with experience with a CGM. I have NO idea what to expect.

Wish me luck!!
The DiaBlogger

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


All of us have our own special ways to keep our diabetes supplies organized and accessible at all times...some of our ways are much better than others. I would hope that all of your organization tools are better than mine.

MY WAY: a gallon ziploc bag containing multiple humalog and lantus pens, handfuls of needles and alcohol swabs, a glucose monitor, extra testing strips, a glucagon pen, glucose tablets, and a tube of frosting.

It's quite a site watching me pull it out at sleepovers, restaurants, and in airports. I would love to know what goes through people's minds while they watch me pull out a ziploc bag full of frosting and needles. However, it is what works best for me.

The bad part is when I forget the bag....I forget everything. SO- I am definitely taking notes if anyone has suggestions on how I can better keep track of my supplies. I also am known to overpack (see picture above). So once I finally get my suitcase zipped, it is extremely depressing to see that I have packed everything I don't need and not the one thing I do need, my diabetes supplies.

When it comes to traveling, diabetes supplies are ALWAYS at the top of my travel list (right next to blankie and cell phone charger, obviously). Even though I always try to remember, I have been put in multiple situations where I did leave my bag and was left to venture on an insulin-less vacation...sounds great right?? But an insulin-less vacation is anything from fun as I am sure you have all experienced.

Here are my tips for you:

  1. I know I feel too old to be reminded things, but there is NO shame in having a designated person to remind you while you are packing your things to pack your supplies
  2. Write it at the TOP of your packing list. 
  3. Pack supplies in your main suitcase as well as in your carry on. That way if you forget to throw the supplies in your carry on bag, at least you will have something to fall back on when you open your main suitcase. 
  4. Switch your prescription over to a drugstore. I like to keep my prescriptions at a grocery store, however, having access to your medications at places such as CVS or Walgreens will come in handy when you are some place that your grocery store is not located. 

By the way, I have always wondered how needles are allowed through security? I am sure it is very common for the TSA to see needles in security, but I have never been stopped or questioned. Are they trained to look for certain needles? I have always been curious and would love to know. 

I'll being flying out to Pennsylvania next Thursday to see my grandparents for Easter. So maybe I will cross my fingers that the TSA stops me...just so I can ask them a few questions myself!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and Spring Break. and please, please DON'T FORGET YOUR INSULIN. 

safe travels, 

The DiaBlogger 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Our Future as DiaRobots

I just read this fabulous article about Diabetes research going on in Israel!
Please read and share with all of your dia-friends...maybe we have something to look forward to in the near future!

Check it out here!

I hope you are having a consistent sugar kind of day,

The DiaBlogger

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



Yes. My body seems to have a things for diseases with asian names. Starting with my diagnosis of Kawasaki disease back in 2010, I have had a strange path of foreign-born illnesses.

However, Hashimoto is very common with us diabetic people. I knew that eventually I would be diagnosed with this thyroid disease, I just did not realize how soon it would sneak up on me.

When I recently visited my doctor, she instructed me to start taking Levothyroxine. I was very excited because I had clearly been gaining weight and been blaming my own laziness. It was nice to blame my thyroid for packing on the pounds rather than myself (lazy...right?).

My dad has recently started taking a thyroid pill as well, and we were shocked to learn all the details about taking a pill for hypothyroidism. There are some very strict rules when it comes to taking thyroid medication that I was pretty unaware of. I have done some research and here is my list of things YOU SHOULD KNOW if you are treating Hashimoto, or taking a pill to help your thyroid activity:

  • Take pill as a single dose, 
  • Take on an empty stomach, 
  • Take in the morning, one-half to one hour before breakfast. 
  • Take with a FULL glass of water
  • Do not take with other medications. It can make the thyroid pill less effective. 
  • Many experts recommend you take vitamins or supplements with iron at least two to three hours apart from thyroid hormone. Iron can interfere with thyroid hormone absorption if taken too close together.
  • You should avoid infant soy formula, cotton seed meal, walnuts, and high-fiber foods while taking medication.

Following these rules have been difficult for me considering I wake up at different times each morning and usually start my day with a multivitamin. However, I have been doing alright for the most part and have seen great results.

happy bolusing...

The DiaBlogger

Monday, February 25, 2013

To Flu or Not to Flu

That is the question...

Is the true for Diabetics also?

As I sit here blogging out to all of you, I am of course stricken flu symptoms. I am not a huge fan of the flu, and as I am sure neither are you. Growing up, the flu had its positives--skipping school, full attention from mom, "my throat hurts"--unlimited supply of popsicles, etc. 

But now that I am living on my own...over 500 miles away from my mom, and as a T1 Diabetic, there are a lot more negatives. 

At the beginning of January, my mom pleaded that I get a flu shot. Of course, I did not listen. I know that my immune system is pretty shady and that I can pick up things easily, however, I am extra cautious when it comes to taking my vitamins and washing my hands. Also, I tend to get mixed answers from endocrinologists when it comes to getting a flu shot. Some say to get one no matter what. and others seem pretty wary to suggest getting one due to us having a week immune system. What do your doctors say?

I have yet to vomit--HOORAY! But I do have a pretty high fever and a sore throat. When I previously felt flu symptoms coming on about a month ago, I talked to a Pharmacist in order to find out what the best immune system booster is for Diabetics--Vitamin C!! My dad lives and breathes Alka-Seltzer for reasons that I am unsure of, and he insisted that I give it a try. The Pharmacist instructed me that Alka-Seltzer tablets and Airborne are basically a Vitamin C supplement with additives, mainly sugary additives that diabetics do not need

According to Ask Dr. Sears: “You don’t have to take in massive amounts of vitamin C to boost your immune system. Around 200 milligrams a day seems to be a generally agreed-upon amount. If you take vitamin C supplements, it’s best to space them throughout the day rather than take one large dose, most of which may end up being excreted in the urine.”

So, currently I am pretty high on Vitamin C in case you were wondering. Obviously now that I am sick I am not going to run out and get a flu shot, but in the future I wonder if I should?

The DiaBlogger 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy ValenDIE Day.

So here it is.

Another holiday that is centered around it a blessing or a curse that I cannot indulge in all my sweet sweet candy fantasies?

I am currently in a Journalism class at DePaul and my Professor is a journalist for the Chicago Tribune. Needless to say, I am so fortunate to have an instructor who not only knows the business but is still actively a part of it. Her specialty is writing feature stories. She has been telling our class about a specific lead she got when talking to mothers about the various regulations that have been put in place to mandate Valentine's Day celebrations at children's schools.

Schools are fighting Valentine's Day treats for many reasons: bullying, allergies, and the war on obesity. These are all valid reasons to combat the sweets. At first I thought that the schools should just let the kids be. However, I was diagnosed with T1 at age 16. If I was a sweet 1st grader who had to watch all of my friends eat candy because I couldn't participate I would be heart broken--not a good way to be one Valentine's Day.

Please read her fabulous article here.

I have had Diabetes for such a short time in my life--not even 5 years! But it seems like forever. My heart really goes out to mother's who have raised children with T1 since they have been very young. I cannot imagine how hard it is to watch a child go through holidays such as Valentine's day without their heart sinking a little.

I would love to hear how you all combat this sugar-filled day with healthier options. Please let me know!!

On a happier note, Happy V-Day to all my fellow diabetics!! I hope your hearts are warmed and your blood sugars are consistent!

The DiaBlogger

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year, New Pancreas


So, just like every other year of my life...I have about 5,000 different new years resolutions that I am going to try to keep afloat this year. However, this year I have made my health a major priority.

I have always said that I would be a better terminally ill patient than a diabetic. I am a person who is a consistent check list maker and completer. (At the bottom of my checklists, my last task is always: make new to-do list). I am good at completing tasks, but I am not good at accomplishing things that are long term. I have to segment my life into smaller sections in order to feel like I have better control of them.

For example: I can run sprints, but not long distance.

When I was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes, my mind was turned upside down. If I had a cold, I simply followed the steps until I was better a few days later. Done. But how can I possibly take care of my health when there is no goal? There is no finish line. My mind could not wrap around this concept. the concept that I will die with this disease. I kept asking: How do I get better? What are the next steps" How long until I am no longer Diabetic" When will it go away"

I slowly learned, it doesn't.

My biggest resolution for this year is to train my mind to have goals that are farther in the future. I decided the easiest way to do this was to set a goal, right? By then end of 2013, I want to have ran a half-marathon. I am not a long distance runner by any means so this will be difficult. I am hoping that doing daily training will not only train my mind, but will train my body to make more healthy choices and to be more in touch with my blood-sugars and insulin levels.

Before I get up and run a half-marathon, I am starting small by training for a 10K. I found this simple 8-week training chart on Google and I have found it to be working very well.

I will keep you updated as I am running. My first run is scheduled for March 24th! I hope your 2013 has been happy and healthy!!

The DiaBlogger