Friday, November 21, 2014


Most people would tell you I am very organized, scheduled, and follow the rules. Typically I am

I strongly lack self-control in two areas of my life: eating and shopping. In these areas there are no rules for me. This becomes a problem for both my health and my wallet.

If I am craving something, I eat it. 
If I need want something, I buy it. 

I am currently sitting at Starbucks thinking about how I want to leave and pick up Chipotle before I babysit. No. Maybe yes. I will keep you posted. 

I am planning on posting soon about my health-related new years resolutions, but today I will give you a glimpse into how I am going to combat my bad habits. I think about ways to better my health every day, as I am sure many of you do. I wake up in the morning and think to myself I am not going to eat sugar today, I am going to check my blood sugar at least three times, I will drink plenty of water, etc. AND THEN I WAKE UP AND NONE OF THAT HAPPENS. 

I am motivated by incentives, so I am going to incentivize myself to eat healthy. I mentioned in an earlier post that I want to get back on Katie Couric's Fed Up Challenge. I fell off this band wagon, and I fell off hard. I also have a few big ticket purchases that I need to make. For every 10 days I can go without eating sugar, I will allow myself to purchase one item. 

When I get going on a diet and am truly committed, I find that it is hard for me to give in to one little temptation. I am trying to build back that endurance as holiday season approaches. My mom makes BOMB sugar cookies/cinnamon rolls, and it will take every thing I have to fight eating those at Christmas. I will start accepting prayers now. Thanks. 

Me failing at everything. 
What are some ways you keep yourself from falling into holiday temptations? 


The DiaBlogger 

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